The Frontier of Limits

Are you limited or limitless?


The word "limit" often elicits a rallying cry of "no!" And yet, the etymology of the word "limit" is the Latin word limus, which means "frontier." Frontier implies a much more dynamic and adventurous exploration. I like that; let's explore.


If you weren't limited, why would you come to the yoga space, and with what would you make?


There exists a counter culture movement of "I can do anything! I am infinite! Screw limits!" While this may be true in an energetic or psychological sense, it couldn't be farther from the truth. Your body occupies a defined space and range of abilities. Outside the most superficial layers of your body is definitely not you--it's where you end. There are clear delineations of your structure, including cognitive limits, mechanical limits, and dynamic limits. You will not go on forever. And your limited embodiment allows for a mode of engagement. You can do and make and create with what you've got.


I think limits are cool, and offer perspective as well. They illustrate a vantage point of choice. You can stay at your limits, do less than your limits allow, or go beyond your limits. All modes are valid.


Limits provide an ability to measure. If you didn't have limits, you couldn't be limitless. I'd argue that because you are bound to something, you are also inherently limitless. And, limitations are also not set in stone. Your levels may shift (increase or decrease). Your effort has a direct impact on this.


In yoga class, you meet your limits head on. The beautiful complexity of you that prevents you from levitation or innately floating up to a handstand also let's you make yoga poses! You can form side angle pose because you have bones and muscles that work in that way. And you will run into and rub up on your limits in these tense moments. The checks and balances system of your limits are sensation and pain. Once you know where you are, you can choose. Do I stay here? Blow past? Pull back? Consider how you proceed in these situations and more as you move.


You in your life also has limits. You can't do it all, but you can do something. Where do devote your limited capacity? Do you stay at your limit, recoil and do less, or break through and do more?


May you be an adventurer of limit. May you know where you're going, what you've got, and hold true to your limited limitlessness.